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Player Registration

You must first create an account or login into Sport Engine account before registering your child.  Once you create an account or login, the registration button will appear to begin registration process.

To become a member, create a login and password at the top left. You will need to confirm your login.  Once you have received an automated email from the Sport Engine account set-up, please confirm and you can begin player registration.

If you all ready have an existing Sport Engine login, you can use that  to begin the registration process.

Schedule for Jr. Dribblers and Jr. Pirates

Dates are published on the site on the Schedule page.

KM Sports has uniform sizes in their store to try on starting September 25th. 

Registration opens September 25th and runs through November 7th.


You must login into Sport Account or Create New Account to login before registering child!

Registration opens September 25, 2023.

Registration closes on November 7, 2023.